Welcome to my site witch is the conclusion of many and sometimes difficult years of a variety of passions that intertwine with one another. A patchwork of projects that hopefully casts a clear picture of horizons that I have crossed by myself and with others in this adventure that is our lives.

I consider myself more of a "ideologist" (a guy who has ideas and gets them done) then an artist, an entrepreneur or hockey league CEO. I have found and lost my way many times through various attempts and temptations which brought me to a state of nirvana as well as to the gates of hell. Very young, I decided that I wanted to be my own boss and undertook this bumpy but fulfilling journey which represents my life.

Passionate for hockey, music and travelling as well as for the different spectrums of creation, I put great effort in making the world more beautiful by getting involved in supporting various social causes while encouraging others to do the same. Filmmaking, photography, creative design and my hockey career have evolved in a certain “art de vivre” which, although imperfect, allows me to do my thing. I could outline my various successes for the sake of my prestige but this site would not reflect the whole picture. I try to set my sights on a promising horizon while enjoying the fruits of life. I slip and falter but be it through art or any other form of expression or action, I continue on my way, eyes wide open to distinguish truth from falsehood, light from darkness, the good from the even better!  


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